
The one-click tipping button


<simple-boost> is distributed on npm, so you can install it locally or use it via npm CDNs like unpkg.com.

The most simple installation is just to load it from the CD:

<script type="module" src="https://esm.sh/simple-boost@latest"></script>

and then use the <simple-boost address="..."></simple-boost> tag as described in the examples.

If you want to load the JS locally you can use the dist file from GitHub or install it via NPM.

Local Installation

npm i simple-boost


npm CDNs like esm.sh can directly serve files that have been published to npm. This works great for standard JavaScript modules that the browser can load natively.


<script type="module" src="https://esm.sh/simple-boost@latest"></script>


import {SimpleBoost} from 'https://esm.sh/simple-boost@latest';


You find the source code over at GitHub